Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bigfoot back in the news...Yawn

Is it just me or is Bigfoot kind of a pussy? Like screaming and shit in the middle of the woods for no reason. Okay Bigfoot, whatever dude. Just tryna walk my dog over here, relax. Don't have to go moaning and groaning and stomping your feet like an over-grown Neanderthal baby. Seriously there have been a million Bigfoot sightings stories in the world, but have you ever heard of Bigfoot ever doing anything? Seriously all he does is go viral for like a day (tops), and then goes back to doing what he does best, Being the hider in hide and go seek.

Ps- If you actually believe in Bigfoot your probably a serial killer. Only way I'd believe Bigfoot was real was if somehow we found out he was just a real tall, hairy dude who's been playing Hide and Go Seek for the last 50 years. Just run's away thinking it's his buddy from the 50's every time he sees any one at all.

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